Are you a Curaçao company that is looking to increase your online presence? If you own a business in Curaçao, big or small, whether you have a website or not, you can get FREE EXPOSURE on the Chamber’s export website, the Curaçao Business Point, ( Listing your company on the website gives you the free online exposure that you need. You will also have the invaluable opportunity to connect with the global business market, as this is the website that international companies seeking to do business on the island, will look towards the first.
The Curaçao Business Point was officially launched on June 2nd, 2016. The website serves as a business platform for local business owners wanting to reach out to potential global markets for export opportunities. The website was launched by the President of the Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mr. Willem ‘Billy’ Jonckheer, who feels very enthusiastic about this new project and the potential that this website brings for local business expansion on the global market.
The Curaçao Business Point website serves as:
• A business directory that is free of charge for all companies registered at the Chamber of Commerce to increase their online exposure. This directory lists participating companies by category.
• An up-to-date source of contact information that is readily available and user-friendly to all local and international entrepreneurs.
• A platform for businesses that are interested in export. Companies listed on this website will be the first to be invited to international trade missions abroad and foreign business opportunities. In addition, the website will begin to actively promote the companies internationally starting in 2017.
• A filter of companies offering high standards of service. All companies listed on the website are required to have signed a code of conduct with the following nine principals: to be trustworthy; advertise honestly; be credible; transparent; protect privacy; embody integrity; stimulate sustainable development; show respect; and be accountable.
The Curaçao Business Point website acts as a cohesive link to growing business opportunities for the island and challenges companies to make a step forward to expanding their business into the international market, while simultaneously attracting foreign investors. All local businesses are invited to register, free of charge, on the website,