Author Archives: CBM

Brief van de president

De Kamer van Koophandel en nijverheid van Curaçao heeft een lange traditie in het informeren van zowel de lokale als onze internationale zakelijke relaties over de prestaties van onze economie, de kansen die deze biedt en de uitdagingen waarvoor deze wordt gesteld. De afgelopen decennia is deze informatievoorziening succesvol verlopen via onze tweemaandelijkse publicaties, aangevuld […]

Energy efficiency and maintenance

Nowadays, owners of commercial real estate are increasingly active in trying to find possible cost savings for their buildings. Maintenance costs are often placed low on the priority list, but saving on maintenance has a negative effect on energy management. Less maintenance = higher energy consumption. When the entire life span of a building is […]

Cruise Village and Second Mega Pier Getting Closer to Becoming Reality

The plans of the Curaçao Ports Authority (CPA) for a cruise-village and a second mega pier are becoming more concrete. According to the Minister of Economic Development, Stanley Palm (PAIS ), a preliminary estimation for a second mega pier, including the cruise-village, will be 50 to 60 million guilders. The CPA-project for a cruise-village includes […]